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Penularan Korona Meluas, Kasus Membesar

Menurut Juru Bicara Pemerintah untuk Penanganan Covid-19 Achmad Yurianto, banyak warga belum menerapkan protokol kesehatan dalam pelaksanaan hari bebas kendaraan (car free day), di Jakarta

Fenomena ini juga ditemukan di sejumlah bandar udara, khususnya di Bandara Hang Nadim, Batam, Kepulauan Riau. Yurianto memaparkan, pelaksanaan protokol kesehatan meliputi cuci tangan, menjaga jarak, dan memakai masker menjadi prasyarat mutlak untuk kembali produktif dan aman. Karena itu, warga diharapkan melaksanakan protokol kesehatan sebagai bentuk adaptasi kebiasaan baru.

Namun, para pembicara diskusi yang diadakan Syndicate Forum menilai, situasi saat ini, termasuk sikap warga, tak lepas dari ketidakkonsistenan kebijakan pemerintah. ”Kebijakan tak jelas dan mengandalkan buzzer (pendengung). Rakyat cuek karena tak ada sanksi, selain lelah,” ujar Agus Pambagio, pengamat kebijakan publik. Ia mencontohkan, kebijakan tak konsisten itu meliputi, antara lain, keterlambatan penutupan penerbangan dari China dan negara lain yang terjangkit wabah Covid-19 demi wisata.

Kini, pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) dilonggarkan di tengah peningkatan kasus. Padahal, situasi berlarut-larut akan menimbulkan tekanan baik bagi kesehatan dan ekonomi. Namun, para pembicara diskusi yang diadakan Syndicate Forum menilai, situasi saat ini, termasuk sikap warga, tak lepas dari ketidakkonsistenan kebijakan pemerintah. ”Kebijakan tak jelas dan mengandalkan buzzer (pendengung). Rakyat cuek karena tak ada sanksi, selain lelah,” ujar Agus Pambagio, pengamat kebijakan publik. Ia mencontohkan, kebijakan tak konsisten itu meliputi, antara lain, keterlambatan penutupan penerbangan dari China dan negara lain yang terjangkit wabah Covid-19 demi wisata. Kini, pembatasan sosial berskala besar (PSBB) dilonggarkan di tengah peningkatan kasus. Padahal, situasi berlarut-larut akan menimbulkan tekanan baik bagi kesehatan dan ekonomi.

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Edward the creator of Zorphia from Indonesia

A simple figure with amazing talent, Edward to create zhorpia the searching machine and internet portal website same like google in the name of zhorpia, before Edward start to create zhorpia the graduate from France University become the senior examinator from NASA.

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|•dont forget to follow•|@fadli_Jabir
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|•Game & App Creations on Play Store•|Developer Fadli_Jabir
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The plane pick up the dead body Hercules C116-Magetan

The first plane bring the dead body arrive on Halim Perdana kusumah Jakarta after the president Susilo Bambang Yudoyono having ceremony. This is the name of 16th dead body in the first arrival: 1. Major penerbangan Danu Setiawan 2. Captain Tehnik Sujito 3. Captain Navigasi Arif 4. 1st Lieutenant penerbang Ferdian L Pasaribu 5. Pratu Heru Warsito 6. 1st Lieutenant satu Apo
7. 1st Lieutenant Oman 8. 1st Lieutenant Susjatmika 9. Captaint T. Hari Kusmiadi 10. 2nd sergeant Johan 11. Ms Nuryani 12. Ms Darlina 13. Ms Asmawi 14. Ms Untung Basuki 15. 1st Lieutenant F. Ariyadi 16. Prada Alfon

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|•dont forget to follow•|@fadli_Jabir
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|•Game & App Creations on Play Store•|Developer Fadli_Jabir
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Make Money

Freelance and Blogging Jobs choose the correct theme trick to choose the theme for website or blog is very important, if you want to join with google adsense. there are 2 factor used attention -lovely theme ar the theme is very confortable for your own potencial talent. -Choose the theme who give you provit income if you want to know what theme do you like just learn to yous self and if you want to know the the theme can gift you profit income you must doing survey about famous information on http://technorati.com This is the explaination about famous blogg or website : -include tips & trick tutorial troubleshooting about something for example : how to use PC. -free download website -website or blog include entertainment content -have daily life tips & trick -selling product website or blog -communities website or blog -the page of web have a post box comment Google suggest for website/blog theme If you have confused to get correct theme for your blog / web, I gift you solution on google suggest description and type your keyword on available for you.
Find the popularite theme if you want to choose the theme of website/blog, visit http://google.com/trends on your browser page then type : windows, linux on searching box and click enter, the page will showing different graphic popularity theme. The source examination showing about search engine is the popularity tools on internet used to find information, and google is the top choice now, for example (google adsword) by advertiser have cost per click might promoted your online shop on google, this program called adsense. Adwords and adsense The different adwords and adsense is the adword just for advertiser and you spend money to purchase and join with adwords, the other side adsense used by publisher and its free. What is advertiser Advertiser is a company or people sale their product by google for example www.kabar-50webs.com want to selling product by adwords and its called advertiser Affiliates programs This model to get money from internet by visitor webpage when doing transaction on your blog or website , there are many affiliate programs on internet for example: -http://linkshare.com -http://clickbank.com -http://cj.com two tier programs the company will gift you commission from selling product on your page web and for your consideration you might visit this site http://sitesell.com pay per sale in generally this program same with two-tier program but the specific different available on product one by one, for example you might go to the address http://amazon.com Bounty The company will gift ‘bounty’ or reward for you after the visitor web or blog drive away to the merchant site and put advertisement in that merchant site.

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|•dont forget to follow•|@fadli_Jabir
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|•Game & App Creations on Play Store•|Developer Fadli_Jabir
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The team Governor's car on accident

Makassar-Mitsubishi car ( colt L300 ) bring on the governor journalist getting accident monday 6 april 2009 after come to Bone birtday anniversary.

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|•dont forget to follow•|@fadli_Jabir
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|•Game & App Creations on Play Store•|Developer Fadli_Jabir
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The Tragedy Dam Situ Gintung

Jakarta-The Situ Gintung's Dam broken friday 27 March 2009 and kill 63 people. The president say that all Indonesian people feel pity to this tragedy. The president coordinate with all minister to make a system for people's need there.

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|•dont forget to follow•|@fadli_Jabir
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|•Game & App Creations on Play Store•|Developer Fadli_Jabir
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