Ministry of Communication and Information Strengthens Industry 4.0 Collaboration
The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) is an enabler for the Indonesian people to enter the Industry 4.0 era. In addition, strong commitments and collaborations with other ministries, institutions, and ecosystems, need to be strengthened to make this happen.
Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Johnny G Plate said that the Indonesian people and other nations in the world will continue to talk about digital transformation, or digitization in various sectors. Likewise, Indonesia continues to make efforts to realize the unavoidable Industry 4.0. “Our nation, even around the world, will continue to talk about digitization. For Indonesia, the main task and basic foundation are entrusted to us, because the Ministry of Communication and Information is an enabler for the Indonesian people to enter Industry 4.0," said Johnny, at the Digital Leaders Meeting in Yogyakarta, last weekend. The Minister of Communication and Information emphasized that the task of the Ministry of Communication and Information is to provide a digital ecosystem from upstream to downstream, which includes the development of telecommunications infrastructure to ensure the quality of national digital talent.
|•SOURCE•| Articles : | Image :Kominfo |
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