Uni-Charm Action for Cancer Patients
A survey in 2020 from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) put Indonesia in the top position with children with cancer (aged 0-14 years) compared to six other ASEAN countries.
It was recorded that the number of sufferers reached 8,667 children. Much higher than the Philippines with 3,505 children. Recognizing the importance of tackling cancer in Indonesian children, PT Uni-Charm Indonesia Tbk since 2020 has supported Rachel House, a non-profit organization in Indonesia that is a pioneer in palliative care services for children with serious illnesses such as cancer, especially from underprivileged families. PT Uni-Charm Indonesia Tbk donated MamyPoko baby diapers as one of the basic needs of the little patient warriors at Rachel House. This is an effort by the company to contribute to lightening the burden that must be suffered by children at a young age. According to the President Director of PT Uni-Charm Indonesia Tbk, Yuji Ishii, this support is a form of commitment and in accordance with the company's philosophy of NOLA & DOLA (Necessity of Life with Activities & Dreams of Life with Activities). "NOLA & DOLA contains meaning and hope to release everyone's burdens from babies to the elderly through products that can provide physical and spiritual support, to realize each individual's dream," he said.
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