Vaccination of Trading Businesses

In order to help accelerate the government's vaccination program and establish herd immunity, health tech startup SehatQ together with the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin)
the Indonesian Shopping Center Management Association (APPBI) presented Covid-19 vaccination services for micro, small and medium enterprises. (MSMEs) and trading business actors which include public servants and retail workers in shopping centers. Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for International Relations, Shinta W Kamdani, said that the Covid-19 vaccination program, which targets the MSME industry and trade business players, is important to be carried out continuously in various regions of the country. This is because the pandemic that has been going on since 2020 will not only affect business actors in big cities, but also in remote areas of Indonesia. "Through the Covid-19 vaccination program with SehatQ, Kadin wants to help the government boost the number of residents, including the MSME sector and trade business actors who are vaccinated. Thus, Indonesia can get closer to herd immunity or herd immunity,"



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